We believe that by planting seeds of hope, we can grow together to cultivate positive transformation.
At the end of the day, what we – police and communities – want is more the same than it is different. We want our communities to be safe, our families to be protected and our children to thrive. Serve & Connect is grounded in this belief and seeks to bring police and community together to accomplish these shared goals. We believe that small acts of kindness go a long way toward building trust throughout any community. Serve & Connect’s formula for change, deployed through a growing collection of outreach programs, establishes powerful connections among community members, organizations, and police in hopes of cultivating positive. transformation.
Greg’s Groceries
Each year, together with our police partners from across South Carolina, we pack hundreds of boxes with non-perishable food to share with individuals and families in need. Greg’s Groceries is our signature initiative through our Compassionate Acts Program.
Compassionate Acts Program
Police are the front-line to communities in need. Our Compassionate Acts Program provides officers with valuable resources that build positive relationships within the communities they serve.
“Serve & Connect finds ways to tear down walls of distrust and replaces them with bridges of understanding.”